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Public safety Around Oil and Gas Infrastructure

As the weather warms for the summer months, the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) would like to send a friendly reminder to the public to stay away from oil and gas sites when enjoying recreational activities.

Please keep in mind of the following:
  • Tampering or interfering with oil and gas infrastructure is unsafe and may lead to criminal charges.
  • Tampering or interfering with oil and gas sites may cause leaks, explosions, electrocution and fires. There is also an increased risk of wildfires during dry seasons.
  • A person who interferes with oil and gas infrastructure may expose themselves and others to production fluids/natural gas/chemicals (which can cause severe health issues).
  • Access to oil and gas sites is restricted to authorized personnel only. Entering any oil and gas site without authorization or permission may be considered trespassing.
  • Albertans can contact the AER 24-hour response line at 1-800-222-6514 if they have any safety concerns.
More information about the Alberta Energy Regulator can be found on their website.