Alberta HUB Website
Council Representative:
- Daniel Warawa
- Roy Anaka (alternate)
Alberta’s Industrial Heartland extends into five different municipalities, for a total of 582 square kilometres of industrial-zoned land. Lamont County's Industrial Heartland policy area is located in the far west of the county, between RR 205 in the west and RR 193 in the east, and Twp Rd 571 in the north and Twp Rd 553 in the south.
AIHA Website
Council Representatives:
- David Diduck (AIHA Board Chair)
- Aaron Wick (alternate)
Beaver Hills Initiative Website
Council Representative:
- Roy Anaka
- Aaron Wick (alternate)
Council Representatives:
- Daniel Warawa
- Aaron Wick
NRCAER Website
Council Representative:
- Neil Woitas
Northern Lights Library System Website
Council Representatives:
- Daniel Warawa
- David Diduck (alternate)
- David Diduck
- Daniel Warawa (alternate)
- Lillian Sabo
- Larissa Berlin
- Angela Wendorff
- Colleen Malica
- Allison Green
- Reta Diduck
- Cheryl Best
- Roy Anaka
- Neil Woitas
- Aaron Wick (alternate)
St. Michael Regional Solid Waste Commission Website
Council Representatives:
- David Diduck
- Daniel Warawa (alternate)
- Aaron Wick
Willingdon Seed Cleaning Co-op Ltd. Website
Council Representative:
- Roy Anaka
- Daniel Warawa
- Aaron Wick (alternate)
- Roy Anaka
- Daniel Warawa (alternate)
- Aaron Wick
Council Representatives:
- David Diduck
The Lamont County Housing Foundation provides accommodation and housing in several locations through-out Lamont County to seniors fifty-five years and over, to the disabled who still have the ability/desire to live independently or to those whose handicap will not compromise their need for independence, dignity and quality of life. Lamont County Housing Foundation is managed by a seven-member board with two representatives from Lamont County.
Council Representatives:
- Roy Anaka
- Neil Woitas (alternate)
Intermunicipal Collaboration Frameworks (ICFs) must align with the requirements outlined in Part 17.2 of the Municipal Government Act.
Frameworks are intended to:
- provide for integrated and strategic planning, delivery and funding of intermunicipal services
- allocate scarce resources efficiently in the providing local services
- ensure municipalities contribute funding to services that benefit their residents
Village of Andrew
Council Representatives:
- Roy Anaka
- David Diduck
Village of Chipman
Council Representatives:
- Daniel Warawa
- Aaron Wick
Town of Bruderheim
Council Representatives:
- Aaron Wick
- Neil Woitas
Town of Lamont
Council Representatives:
- David Diduck
- Neil Woitas
Town of Mundare
Council Representatives:
- Roy Anaka
- David Diduck
Smoky Lake County
Council Representatives:
- Roy Anaka
- Neil Woitas