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Lamont County Councillors

Division 1 Division 2 Division 3 Division 4 Division 5
Lamont County is divided into five divisions, each represented by an elected Councillor. Council is represented by the Reeve, who is chosen on an annual basis by Council during the Organizational Meeting in October.

All Councillors represent the entire County, regardless of the Division they are elected from.

At the October 17, 2022, Annual Organizational Meeting, Reeve David Diduck was re-elected for a one-year term; Councillor Woitas was elected as Deputy Reeve at the 2022 October Organizational Meeting. Deputy Reeve Warawa was elected Deputy Reeve in May 2023. The next Annual Organizational Meeting will be held October 2023. The Reeve is currently Chair of Alberta's Industrial Heartland Association's Board (rotating term).
Find your which division you live in by viewing the Lamont County Electoral Divisions map.