Community Adult Learning Council - Lamont County (CALC)
Community Adult Learning Council, Lamont County, is a community based organization funded by Alberta Advanced Education and Lamont County to promote and provided access to adult foundational learning opportunities in literacy, numeracy, basic digital skill, skills for learners and English language.
***PLEASE NOTE*** CALC is running in-person following provincial COVID-19 restrictions of minimal learners, masking, distancing, screening and recommended rapid testing.
CALC Programs & Courses
To register for any course offered, please contact CALC. Most of the programs are free, and some require a referral. Also, check out the CALC Facebook page.
CALC Kitchens
Is cooking a chore? Is it difficult to afford healthy food? Is it difficult for you to think of something different to cook?
This two-morning program is run once a month online in small groups (no more than five people). You will learn how to follow a budget, cook healthy meals with ingredients on hand, and access lots of easy tips, tricks and recipes all from the comfort of your home. Contact CALC to register.
Creating Family Connections
Explore meaningful ways to connect with your children through stories, songs and play. Then spend time with other parents sharing your views of family, love of family and different ways to grow as a family. Other topics like learning, dreams, communication and the importance of listening will be introduced.
Contact CALC to register.
Digital Skills for Seniors
This is the perfect program for seniors that want to learn more about how to use their cell phone, iPad, tablets, laptops and others. Our facilitators help you to become comfortable using the tools to keep in touch with loved ones, send emails or filling out forms online and finding information important to you while staying safe. A fun and helpful course that seniors love! Contact CALC to register.
My Journey...Who Am I?
Life is like a tree. You need to nourish it’s roots.
We go through many stages in life. Some of them can consume us. Parenthood is one phase that consumes us. Being out of work can consume us. Getting ready for retirement can be scary.
This amazing program helps adults of all ages rediscover their values, skills and interests. We even help you build a list of what is important to you and their order of importance.
The knowledge you gain from this program will support you in developing a portfolio that may help you confidently seek employment. Contact CALC to register.
My Journey...Into the Workplace
Job hunting is more than having a resume. There are a lot of good people applying for jobs. How do you stand out?
We are here to help you figure that out. By creating a career portfolio you develop a deeper understanding of all of your skills and abilities.
We recommend you take our “My Journey...Who Am I?” course first. Contact CALC to register.
Other CALC Programs
Please see the CALC website at for additional programs offered, including Stinking Thinking, Word Builders, Ready Set Grow!, Kids and Money, One-on-One tutoring and more!

Fire Arm Safety Course
In order to get a Possession and Acquisition License (PAL) you are legally required have Fire Arm Safety Course (FAC) certification.
This course will run on a Saturday, typically in Bruderheim, from 8:00 a.m to 4:30 p.m. Cost is $145.00. Contact CALC to register.