
Communications Quick Links

Communications - Media Request/Contact

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inFocus (Weekly Newspaper Content) issues

Year in Review (Reeve’s Report) Community Engagement

Event Submissions

Social Media Guidelines - Lamont County


Contact  for Communications-related requests or inquiry via:

Media Request/Contact

Lamont County Communications continually works toward implementation of the Communications Tactics as directed by Council.

We use mediums such as the inFocus, Reeve’s Report, news releases, marketing, community engagement, the website and social media to promote and highlight County services and programs.

Our goal is to provide residents with access to information about the county, their community, issues that affect them, initiatives, opportunities, and upcoming events. We aim to ensure that information highlighting programs, accomplishments, and actions and decisions of council are provided to our residents in an easily accessible and timely manner, as per Public Participation Policy 4202.

Any questions or concerns relating to Communications should be directed to the Communications Coordinator.

Lamont County runs community engagement with residents from time to time to gauge opinions and attitudes about important County services and initiatives. Engagement types can include surveys, open houses, round tables and hearings, depending on the issue being discussed and the level of engagement needed. Open engagement opportunities and results will be communicated on this page when available. There is an annual engagement survey for the public that is completed annually (around June-August each year).

Please Note: Any personal information is collected under the authority of section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will only be used to manage and administer Lamont County programs and services. If you have any questions about the collection, use or disclosure of your personal information, contact the Lamont County Legislative Services Officer at 780-895-2233 or email