To support continued innovation, growth and prosperity, the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership is a five-year, $3.5 billion federal-provincial-territorial investment in the agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector that started in April 2018. This is the successor of the 2013-18 Growing Forward 2 partnership.
The Sustainable CAP framework represents a cost-shared federal-provincial investment of $508 million over five years for programs and services for the agriculture and agri-food industry in Alberta and positions the industry for greater long-term success.
Alberta’s Sustainable CAP programs will continue to stimulate the creation of new jobs and spur growth in the agriculture sector by:
- supporting value-added processing competitiveness, attraction of new investment and expansion of irrigation capacity that will enhance crop production
- protecting plant and animal health and animal welfare, managing risks to our natural resources and investing in producer-led agriculture research
In Alberta, CAP will deliver programs developed in consultation with stakeholders, and is organized under the following themes:
- Emerging Opportunities (processors, organizations)
- On-Farm Efficiency (producers, farmers, ranchers)
- On-Farm Value Added (producers, farmers, ranchers)
- Resiliency and Public Trust (organizations, processors)
- Resilient Agricultural Landscape (producers, farmers, ranchers)
- Value-Added (processors)
- Water (producers, farmers, ranchers)
Previously: Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change; Products, Market Growth and Diversification; Science and Research; Risk Management; and Public Trust.
On-farm efficiency, on-farm value added, Resilient Agricultural Landscape, and the water program are most applicable programs for Lamont County farmers.
- On-Farm Efficiency Program Fact Sheet
- On-Farm Value-Added Terms and Conditions
For a list of CAP Programs go to Sustainable CAP Overview | (
For more information please contact Agricultural Services at: 780-895-2585.
CAP includes stronger performance measurement and results reporting. This includes targets such as:
- a 3 to 5 megatonne reduction in greenhouse gas emissions;
- increasing sector revenue and exports; and
- increased participation of Indigenous Peoples, women, and youth in the agriculture and agri-food industry.
This agreement marks an ambitious path forward to advance work on the five priorities agreed to in the Guelph Statement. This agreement will help position our sector for continued success as a world leader in environmentally, economically, and socially sustainable agriculture. It will help the Canadian agriculture sector remain innovative, productive, and internationally competitive.
This information was grabbed from:
See all the eligible programs:
Alberta producers, farmers, ranchers, processors and organizations can apply for these cost-shared grant programs.

Effective April 1, 2018, producers who have an EFP older than 10 years must renew their EFP to be eligible for new funding under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership Program (CAP).
Throughout the late fall and winter is a great time to do planning and investment in your agricultural operations. The Environmental Farm Plan is a voluntary, self-assessment of your operation, which you can complete on-line or via a physical work book.
The Environmental Farm Plan is an important step to develop and recognise sustainable practices in an agriculture operations, whether that be livestock, grain or mixed. Environmental stewardship is important in agriculture and important to the end user of agricultural products. Lots of information is available to help compete an Environmental Farm Plan.
Download a detailed overview of the Environmental Farm Plan Program to learn more.
If you are interested in completing an Environmental Farm Plan the Agriculture Service Department can assist please contact 780-895-2585. For more information on the program you can go to:
Amanda K., Lamont County's Assistant Agricultural Fieldman, is a registered Environmental Farm Plan Technician, and is able to assist you with your farm plan one-on-one to help you through the workbook.
What is an Environmental Farm Plan (EFP)?
The EFP is a voluntary, whole farm, self-assessment tool that helps producers identify their environmental risks and develop plans to mitigate identified risks. We are working together with farmers committed to environmental stewardship.
An EFP is completely voluntary. Producers complete their EFP with the help of a trained EFP technician; the workbook can be completed online, and is free of charge! (All your information is kept confidential.)
Depending on your farm, a workbook can be completed in 1-2 days. Please contact Amanda for assistance or further details.
Reasons to Complete an EFP:
- Creating awareness and assessing environmental risks in your operation.
- Essential to the sustainable production of crops and livestock.
- Increase efficiencies and reduce production costs.
- Become eligible for funding under the Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change programs of the Canadian Agriculture Partnership (previously Growing Forward 2).
- Key for marketing and sustainable sourcing requirements and programs.
Do EFPs expire?
Yes. Effective April 1, 2018, you will need an EFP certificate dated within the last ten years to be eligible for cost-share funding.
We encourage you to update your EFP online. Completing an EFP online makes future renewals simpler and easier.
Data entered into your account will be saved, and will not have to be re-entered for the next renewal. If you previously completed a paper workbook, use it as a reference when you use the online tool.
Lamont County’s Agricultural Service Board is pleased to note that the County will be participating in the Environmental Streamline Program.
The Environmental Streamline Program is a provincially funded and industry directed program whose purpose is to encourage a balanced, integrated approach to the environmental problems facing the agricultural industry. We focus on education and awareness on different agricultural and environmental issues affecting landowners and producers. For Lamont County, this entails collaborating with our neighbouring municipality, Beaver County.
The Farm Energy and Agri-Processing Program shares costs with the agriculture and agri-processing sector on energy efficiency investments. The Program is designed to encourage energy management which will result in cost savings, energy conservation, and ultimately, reduced greenhouse gas emissions.
The Program offers financial support, subject to financial constraint, to applicants who incorporate high efficiency equipment that is identified in the applicable Funding List (for producers) in their construction and/or retrofitting projects.
For more information contact the Ag-Info Centre at 310-FARM (3276).
The Farm Health and Safety Producer Grant Program offers financial support, subject to financial constraints, to eligible employers (must have waged, non-family workers and a WCB account) for eligible costs to improve health and safety in their operations and help them comply with OH&S Code. The program is now open and accepting applications.
The grant covers up to 50% of eligible safety expenses to a maximum of $5,000 per year or $10,000 over the life of the program per eligible applicant. Expenses going back to Jan. 1, 2018 are eligible under the program.
Eligible expenses (with receipts) include things like:
- First aid kits, fire extinguishers and warning signage.
- Respirators, eye and hearing protection.
- Health and safety programs, courses, education and training.
- Seat belt installation, warning lights and auger guards to improve equipment safety.
This program provides funding towards solar photovoltaics on Alberta farms. This enables producers to conserve non-renewable fossil fuels and reduce carbon emissions, ultimately reducing the environmental footprint of Alberta's agriculture industry.
To be eligible for funding, a Photovotaic system must be:
- Grid-tied, not off-grid
- Approved under Alberta's Micro-Generation Legislation
- Positioned to optimize sunshine and minimize shading
- Have manufacturer-warranties on: Solar modules, Racking, Inverters, and/or Micro-inverters, and
- Installed on a Site ID that has a Distribution Rate Class of Farm, Irrigation, Grain Drying, or equivalent
Retroactive projects that have been completed April 15, 2017, are eligible.
Visit or more information, or call the Agro-Info Centre at 310-FARM (3276)
Lamont County Agricultural Service Board assists landowners in the acquisition and distribution of shelterbelt trees in accordance with Policy 6080, in order to promote soil and water conservation and rural beautification. Below are three organizations that Lamont County works closely with and can assist you with the purchase of tree and shrub seedlings.
Tree Nurseries in the region - Shelterbelt
Tree Nurseries in the region - Landscaping
Key benefits of purchasing your trees from
- Low prices – generally much lower prices than garden centres.
- Quality seedlings.
- More variety than many of our competitors – we carry over 100 species.
- Various sizes – younger trees cost less while older trees mature faster.
- Purchase online – buy directly from our website from the convenience of your home.
- Purchase by phone – call our toll-free number (1 866 873-3846) to speak directly with a real, live person.
- Free shipping – to British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba on all orders over $100.
- Choose your ship date – we ship every Monday between late April and mid-June. You choose the date that works best for you.
- Volume discounts – receive up to 30% off.
- Product replacement guarantee – in the event one of your trees doesn’t flush, we’ve got you covered (see details in our replacement guarantee article).
- Flexible payment methods – Visa, MasterCard, cheque or money order.
Visit for pricing information, species list, and delivery dates.
Prairie Shelterbelt Program
Do you want to grow trees on your property? Turn to the seedling specialists at Prairie Shelterbelt Program in Sundre, AB. Our company houses beautiful and stunning trees including several other plants. We help provide proper planting care from start to finish. Trust our professionals to assist you step-by-step in the tree seedling process.
Call (403) 507-8340 to order, or visit for more information, and to order online!
HELP International
HELP’s Subsidized Shelterbelt Program is open to any municipality, community group or private landowner for any purpose in tree planting. Regular-sized seedlings are $5.00 each for 20-49 trees, $2.50 each for 50-300 trees, or $1.75 each for orders of over 300 trees.
Methods of Ordering
There are several ways of ordering trees. To order trees the public can:
- Purchase online at and click on "Store".
- Download an application form that can be manually filled out and faxed, emailed or mailed to HELP with a cheque payment or credit card information for payment.
- Make a telephone order by calling HELP at 306-861-0814.
Restoration & Enhancement of Wetlands and Riparian Areas
In partnership with the North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance (NSWA), Cows & Fish, and the Vermilion River Watershed Alliance, Lamont County is facilitating projects to restore and enhance wetlands and riparian areas in the region. Increasing the ability of wetlands and riparian areas to carry out their natural functions as described above will help improve watershed resiliency to floods and drought. These projects are funded in part by the Government of Alberta's Watershed Resiliency and Restoration Program.
Funding levels can cover up to 80% of eligible expenses. If a project is approved, all project-related activities INCLUDING reimbursement claim submission must be completed by January 31, 2021.
Download the Application Guide
Restoration & Enhancement of Wetlands and Riparian Areas in Cropland
In partnership with the North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance (NSWA), Cows & Fish, and the Vermilion River Watershed Alliance, Lamont County is facilitating projects to restore and enhance wetlands and riparian areas in the region. Increasing the ability of wetlands and riparian areas to carry out their natural functions as described above will help improve watershed resiliency to floods and drought. These projects are funded by the Canadian Agricultural Partnership (the Partnership) Environmental Stewardship Grant.
The Partnership grant we received will provide funding for us and our partners to reach out to producers and landowners within Lamont County to talk about flooding and drought issues facing them in a changing climate, and how maintaining or improving riparian health in the watershed can help mitigate some of these issues.
Funding is available for private land owners in the region who are interested in restoring degraded or lost natural wetlands and riparian areas, enhancing existing natural wetlands and riparian areas, or establishing riparian buffers within their lands.
If a project is approved, all project-related activities INCLUDING reimbursement claim submission must be completed by 1 November, 2021. Expenditures can be from 15 April, 2020, up to 1 November, 2021.
Download the Cropland Application Guide