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UPDATE: LUB/MDP Clarification - version updates

To provide further clarification surrounding the Land Use Bylaw (LUB) and Municipal Development Plan (MDP) process, Lamont County wants to be transparent and open with the amendment process to ensure the public has all the information needed to provide informed feedback.

Frequent communication of the process, open houses, public hearing and opportunities to provide feedback were communicated at Lamontcounty.ca, via inFocus (Lamont Leader), and on social media.

An LUB and/or MDP is typically reviewed every 5-10 years to update for current trends, government requirements and other economic updates. Because the current LUB and MDP were approved in 2007, these were overdue for an update.

Current Bylaw and Plan (in effect now):

Draft of Updated Land Use Bylaw Presented in Council (first reading - November 2022)

This amended version was based on public feedback from four public meetings (held pre-Covid and in July 2022), and the further open houses with public input as presented by Stantec. The feedback from the public and stakeholders (e.g., ratepayers, surrounding municipalities, businesses, etc.) was compiled into the draft format presented for first reading.

* This is the version presented in November 2022 that was granted First Reading by Council.

Public Hearing (January 24)

On January 24, 2023, Lamont County Council held a Public Hearing to allow for public comment on the Draft Land Use Bylaw. The comments, letters and presentations were accepted and addressed through amendments presented at the March 14 Council Meeting.

** Note: formatting of the meeting agenda may have changed the Land Use Bylaw page layout. At no time was information removed or rescinded from this document.

March 14 Proposed Updates and Version

The versions presented on March 14 were not legislated versions, as Council tabled 2nd and 3rd readings for 60-days for additional public consultation.

(These versions include proposed amendments that were introduced after First Reading of the Draft Land Use Bylaw.)



This information and feedback (written submissions) provided from the public during the 60-day Tabling (Lamont County Land Use Bylaw and Municipal Development Plan Adoption Tabled 60-days for Additional Public Consultation) will be reviewed and considered for possible incorporation into a revised version after the consultation period closes on May 15

Provide your feedback:

  1. Open period for public submissions (until May 15) to the attention of Lamont County Administration:
    1. MAIL: 5303 - 50th Ave Lamont, AB T0B 2R0
    2. EMAIL: info@lamontcounty.ca; or
    3. FAX: 780-895-7404.
  2. At the end of the input period, Lamont County Planning and Development will compile all submissions and present to Council (likely in June 2023).
  3. Council will at that time determine whether to proceed with an amended version, necessitating a further Public Hearing, to reject any proposed changes, or to proceed with the bylaws “as-is". Council can also determine whether other next steps are required.
  4. Even if Council passes second and third readings and the new bylaw/plans are legislated, the public can still provide feedback, ask questions, express concerns or updates. Council can then determine appropriate next steps which could involve subsequent amendments.

NOTE: As per legislation, delegations speaking about a draft LUB and MDP are only allowed at a public hearing and not during regular council meetings. Public engagement is encouraged, and this is in place to follow mandated procedures and not to limit feedback or concerns. Correspondence can be sent to Council/Councillors and Administration at any time for review.

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