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NEWS RELEASE - Ukrainian Humanitarian Aid Breakfast Fundraiser - Thank You!

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Pancake Breakfast to Support for Ukraine Humanitarian Aid Raises More Than $12,000

June 7, 2022 – LAMONT, AB: Lamont County, Town of Lamont and Fort Saskatchewan & District Chamber of Commerce hosted a pancake breakfast fundraiser on Saturday, June 4. Approximately 500 members of the community attended. Over $12,000 was raised in monetary donations, and numerous physical donations such as emergency and medical aid items, household items and other goods in support of Ukrainians displaced by the war ($12,201 to the Ed Stelmach Foundation, with more online donations still trickling in).

“Today we are united in our condemnation of the war,” said Town of Lamont Mayor, Kirk Perrin. “We are united in wanting the war to end and united in raising support. Our Town, our County, our region owes much to its Ukrainian settlers. Their passion and determination are very much rooted in the DNA of our community.”

With the support of our event sponsor, CENOVUS Energy, 100 per cent of the proceeds are going directly to the cause.

“We congratulate everyone for their efforts in raising funds to support humanitarian efforts in Ukraine,” said Trent Zacharias, Director, Community & Indigenous Affairs with Cenovus. “At Cenovus, we were proud to have a small part in this event by providing funding and volunteers. Together we can all make a difference not only locally, but in a global challenge such as this.” 

Thank you to other organizations that offered product/services, our many volunteers, and master of ceremonies Cathy Goulet. These all helped contribute to the success of this event!

“It is an opportunity for people to contribute to humanitarian aid, the need is increasing weekly; it is staggering the number of people impacted by the war—including those who have left Ukraine and pensioners and others still in Ukraine,” said former Premier Ed Stelmach. “Every dollar makes a difference! The Stelmach Foundation has been sending food and medical supplies to Ukraine and Poland on a regular basis and supporting those in our communities.”

Raising more than $10,000 at this breakfast shows the significant amount of support our communities have committed to and come together to aid those locally and across the world.

“I am extremely pleased with the residents of Lamont County and surrounding areas for the support they continue to show for Ukraine and its people,” said Lamont County Reeve, David Diduck. “I would like to extend a sincere ‘thank you’ to everyone who attended the breakfast and your generous donations to support incoming refugee families.”

What was raised at the event has a crucial impact.

“It is great to see so many community leaders and community volunteers in Lamont for this event, working for a common cause, standing for Ukraine and raising money to make life easier for Ukrainians in Alberta and Ukraine,” said provincial MLA Jackie Armstrong-Homeniuk. “Working together and collaborating (to help others) is true Alberta style!”

With funds provided to humanitarian aid, including food and medical supplies, there is an immediate need for support. This event was a small step towards helping those displaced and a valuable contribution of humanitarian efforts for a war that continues.

“We really appreciate this event as it is really important for us and Ukraine. It supports Ukrainians coming here, some of them without any support,” said Oleksandr Danyleiko, Consul General of Ukraine (in Edmonton). “The shock of being in Ukraine and with the bombings, the hard and long travel and fleeing without documentation (and just the clothes on your back), it is very difficult. It’s a new life, in a new country, and an unfamiliar situation—which is another shock—to give them feeling they are not strangers here, that they are coming to a friendly community that wants to help. We are very grateful of the support.”

And a testament of how a community can come together.

“It was incredibly humbling to see the support from the community, including the business community at the fundraising breakfast,” said Jonathan Jacobs, President of the Fort Saskatchewan & District Chamber of Commerce.

Mayor Perrin, Reeve Diduck, MP Shannon Stubbs (regrets), MLA Jackie Armstrong-Homeniuk, former Premier Ed Stelmach, Ukrainian-Canadian Congress Alberta Provincial Council President Orysia Boychuk and Ukraine Consul General (of Edmonton) Oleksandr Danyleiko provided remarks as part of the formalized program. This was live-streamed on Facebook during the event, and can be accessed at www.lamontcounty.ca/news.



[Photos Attached – enclosure]


Media inquiries can be directed to:
Jay Zaal
Communications Coordinator
780-895-2233 Ext. 222


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Photo #1 – Attendees were provided a ribbon of support as prepared by The Ladies Auxiliary of Lamont Health Care Centre.

Photo #2 – Cashbox of the many donations received through the June 4 pancake fundraiser for Ukraine aid.

Photo #3 – Approximately 500 people attended the pancake fundraiser at Lamont Recreation Centre on June 4, enjoying pancakes, sausage, eggs, juice and coffee, while raising over $10,000 for relief.

Photo #4 – Lamont Veselka Dancers perform at the Pancake Breakfast fundraising event for Ukraine Aid.

Photo #5 – One of the Lamont Veselka Dancers performing at the fundraising event.

Photo #6 – An example of Ukraine relief sent from the Stelmach foundation to Ukraine (that arrived via sea cans to Ukraine) to support humanitarian aid [photo supplied by Ed Stelmach].