Spring Flooding Road Update

The county understands that the public may be inconvenienced during this time. However, with the kind cooperation of ratepayers, residents and stakeholders, a successful and sustainable maintenance program can be created to fit within current budget restraints. The maintenance and improvement of Lamont County’s infrastructure is at the forefront of priorities and focus.
The following roads are currently closed (updated May 29 @ 3:50 p.m.):
- TWP 550 between RR 202 & HWY 831
- RR 163 between TWP 562 & 564
- RR 195 between TWP 535 & 544 - closed indefinitely
- RR 185 North of HWY 45 to TWP 572
- RR 161 North of HWY 645 to TWP 572
- RR 191 between TWP 564 & HWY 45
- RR 175 between TWP 550 & 552
- RR 163 between HWY 572 & HWY 45
- RR 174 between HWY 45 & TWP 571
- TWP 544 between HWY 855 & RR 170
- RR 162 North of TWP 584
- RR 174 between TWP 560 & 562
- TWP 530 between RR 193 & 194
- RR 182 between RR 574 & 580
- RR 170 South of TWP 522 - culvert
- RR 170 North of TWP 520 - culvert
- TWP 544 between RR 192 & 193
- RR 191 between TWP 562 & TWP 564
- RR 185 between TWP 572 & TWP 574
Caution is required on all Lamont County roads at this time. Please drive within the speed limit and be aware of road conditions. Anyone found not complying with road closures can be charged $243 for failure to obey a traffic control device. Anyone found responsible for damaging signs or barricades can be charged with criminal mischief and will be required to appear in court and pay restitution.
Please report any county roads in need of maintenance to Public Works at 780-895-2547.