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Reeve Diduck Holiday Message

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Residents of Lamont County:

Christmas is just a few days away. While we all look forward to celebrating the joys and traditions of this season, it does mean another year is coming to a close.

I would like to provide a brief update on the past years operations for Lamont County and look forward to 2024.

2023 was an excellent year from a weather perspective and it allowed Lamont County to complete both its operating and capital projects contained in the 2023 budget at or within budget limits.

This will result in a modest surplus which will be applied towards the 2024 budget.

Some operational and capital highlights included:

  • The gravelling of 207 kilometres of roads;
  • Installation of over 50 culverts;
  • Cleaning of drainage courses and municipal right of ways;
  • Completion of the Dust control program as per policy;
  • Mowing of roadways across Lamont County (including completion of two full passes and a third pass on our collector roads);
  • Continued maintenance of our road infrastructure;
  • Construction of one new bridge; and
  • Trial of a new multi-year dust control product, MG30 on two miles of road.

Council’s key responsibility continues to be the development of a budget that meets the service levels expected by our residents while ensuring the long-term financial stability for Lamont County.

While developing the 2024 budget Council faced many challenges including:

  • Inflation;
  • Securing sustainable and reliable funding;
  • Downloading of costs by other orders of Government;
  • Tax holiday provided to oil and gas company’s from the Province; and
  • Pressure to keep municipal taxes affordable.

After 17 hours reviewing the proposed operating and capital budgets, a final budget was passed on December 12th which Council feels will meet the service levels requested by our residents and maintain our infrastructure.

Unfortunately, residential homes and farmland may see a tax increase of up to four per cent.

Some of the initiatives you will see in the 2024 budget include:

  • Enhanced public engagement;
  • Expanded fire coverage for our busy spring season;
  • Gravelling program expanded to six year rotation from five years; and
  • 15 year equipment replacement program.

A key component for the future growth and development of Lamont County continues to be the attraction of Industrial Development to Lamont County’s Industrial Heartland. 2023 saw good progress made in this regard. We expect approval of our water license application in early 2024 and are in discussions with a number of industry proponents. I believe once we secure our water license industry will come.

In closing, on behalf of Lamont County Council and Staff, I would like to Thank all County residents, partners and businesses for your continued support. You make Lamont County a great place to live, work and play.

May your Christmas season be filled with peace, joy and happiness as we look forward to a strong 2024 together.

- Reeve Diduck