Notice of Public Hearing - Intermunicipal Development Plans
Bylaw No. 828.21 Smoky Lake County and Lamont County Intermunicipal Development Plan
The purpose of Bylaw 828.21 is to approve a new Intermunicipal Development Plan for Smoky Lake and Lamont County.
The Intermunicipal Development Plan is high-level planning document that guides the long-term land use planning for lands within Smoky Lake County and Lamont County along the North Saskatchewan River and provide direction for other land management and development policies for land in Smoky Lake County and Lamont County, approximately 1.6 km (1.0 mile from the banks of the North Saskatchewan River).
The IDP:
- Includes information about the community history and current demographics;
- Includes updated mapping information to reflect the municipal boundaries, and identifies areas with known development constraints;
- Identifies preferred future land use areas for agricultural and culture/tourism uses;
- Establishes high level land use and land management goals and objectives;
- Identifies triggers for when Lamont County or Smoky Lake County will require the preparation and approval of an Area Structure Plan or Outline Plan/Development Concept Plan;
- Establishes policies affecting:
- Municipal Reserve allocation;
- Development in environmentally sensitive areas;
- Development of infrastructure and transportation systems;
- Establishes a policy which requires developers to be responsible for infrastructure costs associated with new development;
- Identify a dispute resolution process for resolving intermunicipal disputes.
Date: Tuesday, March 18, 2021
Time: 9:15 am
Place: Council Chambers, Lamont County Office; 5303 50 Avenue, Lamont, Alberta
Microsoft Teams (to join remotely)
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE THAT anyone wishing to make a verbal or written representation may do so at the hearing, or by providing the representation to Alan Grayston, Director of Planning & Community Services, to before 12:00 p.m. on Monday, March 15, 2020.
It would be beneficial for individuals to provide advance notice to Lamont County at 780-895-2233 of their intention to make a presentation at the hearing.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE THAT a copy of the proposed Bylaws is posted for review and may be inspected at the Lamont County office during normal business hours.
To obtain more information regarding the proposed Bylaw, please contact:
Alan Grayston
Director of Planning &Community Services
Lamont County
Phone: 780-895-2233