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Notice of Election & Advanced Vote

Notice is hereby given that an election will be held for the filling of the following offices:

Office: Councillor, Lamont County Divisions 2, 3, 4, 5 
Number of Vacancies: Four (4)

Office: Separate School Trustee Sherwood Park Ward, Vegreville Subdivision 3
Number of Vacancies: One (1)

Advanced voting will take place on the 10th Day of October between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., at the Lamont County Administration Building at 5303 50 Ave, Lamont.

Voting will take place on the 16th Day of October between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Voting Stations will be located at:

• Division 2

Chipman Drop-In Center Chipman
Ukrainian Village (Red Barn) Highway 16E, Tofield

• Division 3
St. Michael Senior Center St. Michael
Delph Hall NW 7-58-18-W4

• Division 4
Andrew Village Office 5021 St., Andrew

• Division 5

Lamont Hall 4844 49 St., Lamont
Bruderheim Memorial Community Center 5014 49 (Queen) St. Bruderheim
Skaro Hall Skaro

In order to vote, you must produce identification for inspection. The identification must be one or more of the following as required by Section 53 of the Local Authorities Election Act:

• One piece of photo identification, issued by a Canadian Government that show the name and address of the voter. Examples: Operator/Driver’s license; Government photo identification card (for non-drivers).
• One piece of identification that show the name and address of the voter. Examples: statement of government benefits, government cheque or cheque stub; utility bills; insurance policy or coverage card.

Other authorized identification may be used. The authorized list of identification can be found at www.lamontcounty.ca/election-2017.

Dated at the Town of Lamont in the Province of Alberta, this 20th Day of September, 2017.

Robyn Singleton, Returning Officer