Notice - Hilliard Truck Fill Upgrade

During the week of September 25th, 2017, this upgrade will be taking place, and the Truck Fill will be changing to a key pad system. At this time current accounts with keys will become obsolete.
The new key pad system will work by using a unique User Code and PIN #. There will be a couple of ways to utilize the system:
- A credit card may be used at the Hilliard Truck Fill Site, without requiring an account or User Code. This will be very similar to “pay at the pump gas stations”.
- You may apply for an account online by going to and clicking on the link below the “Water” section.
Please note: The station USER CODE & PIN# are different than the Dashboard online access. If you are a commercial hauler, you may setup multiple station USER CODE & PIN# for each of your trucks or drivers.
Applying online, using your email address, will allow you to be able to log on to a secure site that tracks water usage, billing, prepayments, etc. It will also allow you to make prepayments online using your credit card, or through select online banking partners.
Pre payments will also be accepted at the Lamont County office via Cash, Cheque, or Debit.
Alternatively, you may contact the Lamont County Office at 780-895-2233 and we can create an account for you.
The water truck fill rates will remain the same with this upgrade. Please note that these accounts are able to be set up on a credit basis where you will continue to be billed quarterly, or on a prepayment basis. It will be at Lamont County’s discretion to approve credit accounts. Non – payment on accounts, may cause us to look at altering the status of some accounts to pre-payment only.
Please ensure that your existing key account is paid for in full, if previous accounts are left outstanding, Lamont County will use discretion when approving a new credit account on the new system.
NOTE: During the upgrade, which will take place during one day of the week of September 25th, exact day to be determined, the truck fill will be down completely for 4-6 hours, if you have any concerns please contact our office.
If you have any questions about these upgrades, or how to set up an account please contact Tiffany at 780-895-2233 ext. 214 or