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NEWS RELEASE - Recognizing Lamont County History: Roads Renamed to Recognize Original Settlers

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Recognizing Lamont County History: Roads Renamed to Recognize Original Settlers

July 19, 2022 – LAMONT, AB: Lamont County has renamed three stretches of road in the Star (Edna) area to honour original Ukrainian settlers to the County. After the road naming application was presented by county resident, Lorraine Pullishy-Aas, Council confirmed all the necessary prerequisites were complete (Policy 5118) and approved re-naming for the following:

  • For Township Road 564 (from Range Road 831 to 192), is renamed Myhailo Pullishy Road;
  • For Range Road 192 (from Township Road 564 to 562), is renamed Wasyl Feniak Road; and
  • For Township Road 562 (from Range Road 831 to 192), is renamed Iwan Pylypow Road.

In presentation to Council, Ms. Pullishy-Aas presented to Council in embroidered vyshyvanka blouse, greeted Council with a traditional kolach bread and salt (of the Earth), a candle (of light), wheat (Ukraine’s staple and sustenance of life) and recitation of the Lord’s Prayer; all recognizing the significance of Ukrainian culture and history within the region.

Steps are now in place to add the historic naming and signage to these roads – pertaining to preservation of historic events and acknowledging the first Ukrainian settlers in Canada (Sept. 7, 1891). Fitting, as Lamont County is commemorating the 130th anniversary of Ukrainian settlement in Canada.

“To me, the roots of our family and Ukrainian culture are very important to maintain,” said Pullishy-Aas. “These early pioneers were the first of thousands from across Ukraine who came to Canada and played a large part in building our community.”

Many of the original settlers—who were among the first migrants to set up homesteads in Canada—still have family residing in Lamont County, and this history has contributed to Lamont County being the Cradle of Ukrainian Settlement in Canada. Lamont County is also the Church Capital of North America, with many historic churches and the largest concentration of churches across the continent, as well as many Ukrainian ties that continue today. Lamont County previously renamed historical roads for the Eleniak and Melnyk families.

“We are very grateful for the original pioneers who came to this country and this area to settle,” said Lamont County Reeve, David Diduck. “Their original efforts can be traced back to why we are the Cradle of Ukrainian Settlement.”

Purposefully, the province has placed a centennial plow-memorial near these named roads to also recognize the significance Ukrainian settlement has in Lamont County. Many descendants of the original families (including now, fifth generation families), gathered to honour the recognition with a group photo and celebration at the First Pioneers Harrow Memorial.

The County continues its strong ties with Ukraine in recognizing the early settlers to our region. Additional historical information is found via the Lamont County website.

“In their lifetime, the pioneers never thought they would see such a thing,” said Pullishy-Aas. “It is an honour for all of us—including the next generations, that seem to be coming back to Lamont County and their roots. We can proudly say that my gido, was one of the first immigrants in Alberta. We are all together and grateful for all these signs.”  

Settlement and resettlement continue to this day as the Pullishy family and others across the community, are supporting displaced Ukrainians relocated from the war-torn country—emigrants working hard to adapt to Canadian life.

Road signs have been ordered and will be placed in these locations. The applicants are responsible for signage costs and placement, per the approved policy. These road names will appear below current official road signage, which maintain priority placement on each stretch of road.




[Photos Attached – enclosure]

Media inquiries can be directed to:

Jay Zaal
Communications Coordinator
780-895-2233 Ext. 222


Photo #1 – At presentation, Ms. Pullishy-Aas submitted naming application for Myhailo Pullishy Road, Wasyl Feniak Road and Iwan Pylypow Road, presenting kolach (sweet braided bread), the bread of life, sel (salt) of the Earth, wheat (Ukraine’s staple) and a candle (light of Christ), and reciting the Lord’s Prayer. This was repeated at the gathering of families at the first pioneers memorial.

Photo #2 – Plaque recognition of the original settlers arrival in 1891 that led to the first permanent settlement of Ukrainians in Canada: including the Pylypow, Eleniak, Pullishy, Feniak and Melnyk families (First Pioneers Harrow Memorial).

Photo #3 – Lorriane Pullishy-Aas completes a bread-breaking welcome with kolach (sweet braided bread), the bread of life, sel (salt) of the Earth, wheat (Ukraine’s staple) and a candle (light of Christ) for two of the recently displaced Ukrainian families being supported by the original settlers families—including by grandson Paul Pangburn, who is hosting Kostiantyn Kucheriavenko, wife Liudmyla Protsenko, and son Zlatan; and a second evacuee, Victoria Diachenko.

Photo #4 – Mapped locations of the approved roads being renamed to honour the original Ukrainian settlers to Lamont County.

Photo #5 – Lorraine Pullishy-Aas and her sister, Sharon Fleming, gather at the First Pioneers plaque memorial commemorating the arrival of the first-recorded immigrants from Ukraine in September 1891. This plaque includes photos of the Pylypow, Pullishy, Melnyk and Feniak families – and as recognized with recent road renaming in Lamont County near this memorial.           

Photo #6 – The Pullishy family with well-wishes from the Pylypow, Feniak and Melnyk families, gathers and recognizes the significance of the recently announced road namings and historical significance of Ukrainian emigration in Lamont County.      

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