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NEWS RELEASE – Lamont County Council Organizational Meeting (Oct. 24, 2023)

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Lamont County Council Organizational Meeting (Oct. 24)

October 25, 2023 – LAMONT, AB: Lamont County Council completed its annual organizational meeting on October 24. The following are meeting highlights:

Council Organizational Meeting (AGENDA):

  1. Council appointed its Reeve for 2023-24 (one-year term). Reeve David Diduck continues in this role – CARRIED.
    Reeve Diduck: “I look forward to working together with Council on our strategic priorities over the next year and continue the progress we have made. I am honoured to represent Lamont County as Chair of Alberta Industrial Heartland Association Board and to work towards increasing economic development opportunities to the region.”
  2. Council elected Daniel Warawa to continue his role as Deputy Reeve for 2023-24 – CARRIED.
    Deputy Reeve Warawa: “Lamont County is prime for development opportunities, and I look forward to working with all five members of Council to achieve our common goal of increasing opportunities across Lamont County and our residents’ quality of life.”
  3. Council set its annual council meeting schedule for 2023-24 (enclosure), including adding a July Council meeting – CARRIED.
  4. Council completed its routine resolutions for 2023-24 (meetings location, signing authority, financial institution, assessor, and auditor designations) – CARRIED.
  5. Council appointed Councillor Neil Woitas as Chair of Agricultural Service Board for the Board’s one-year term (all of Council also sits on this Board) – CARRIED.
  6. Updates for 2023 Boards and Committees included: Councillor Daniel Warawa appointed as Centennial Scholarship committee member (the Reeve is also on this Committee); adding Deputy Reeve Warawa as alternate FCSS Board Member. All other Council Board and Committee representation remains as presented – CARRIED.
  7. Council reviewed and confirmed its committee appointments (Members at Large), naming Reta Diduck and Cheryl Best to the Lamont County Regional Library Board, and Carol-Lynn Babiuk to the FCSS Board. All other terms continue as appointed previously (until expiry) – CARRIED.

*Council appointments and Members at Large are posted at: lamontcounty.ca/governance/boards-committees.

  1. Of note: on October 13, Council completed its annual road tour (with Public Works, Agricultural Services and leadership) to review specific initiatives and areas of focus across County divisions – looking at recently installed culverts, road repairs, as well as agriculture and public works initiatives and projects planned for the coming year.

The public and media are invited to attend council and committee meetings in Council Chambers or virtually through Microsoft Teams (link available on the Lamont County website). Be advised that all meetings are recorded. Lamont County continues to follow public health recommendations and provincial mandates related to the COVID-19 pandemic—masks are an individual discretion.

Please note: the information above is considered unofficial content; official meeting minutes are posted on the Lamont County website once approved and signed off (after presentation for approval at the next council meeting). Additional content may be available in the approved meeting agendas.             

Next Council Meeting: November 28, 2023.

[Enclosure: Council meeting dates and Board/Committee Appointments for 2023-24]


Media inquiries can be directed to:
Jay Zaal
Communications Coordinator
780-895-2233 Ext. 222 | jay.z@lamontcounty.ca | www.lamontcounty.ca/news                                                                                                         

2023-24 Council Meeting Schedule (subject to change)

November 28, 2023
December 12, 2023
January 9
January 23
February 13
February 27
March 12
March 26

April 9
April 23
May 14
May 28
June 11
June 25
July 9
August 13

August 27
September 10
September 24
October 8
October 22 (and Annual Organizational Meeting)

Per the current Council Procedure Bylaw, Regular Council Meetings will be held at the Administration Building located at 5303 - 50 Ave, with a 9:00 a.m. start and 4:00 p.m. end time.

2023-24 Lamont County Council Board and Committee Representation (confirmed or updated):


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