Lamont County Reeve's Holiday Message!

2022 Lamont County Reeve's Holiday Message
Text version below:
As we move into 2023 and celebrate the successes of 2022, as Reeve, I would like to extend Christmas greetings and provide a summary review of Lamont County at year-end.
We have faced a number of challenges as we emerge from the impacts of Covid-19 and its new normal. Steps have been taken to restore Lamont County service levels while maintaining a safe work environment for our staff.
Operational highlights from the past year included the graveling of 235 miles of roadways, the installation of 60 new culverts, one bridge replacement, regular maintenance of our road infrastructure, mowing of our right of ways and cleaning and maintaining various drainage channels.
Operational challenges faced by Lamont County in the past year were inflation, reduced funding from the province, supply chain issues, continued non payment of taxes by some oil and gas companies, and the downloading of costs by the province.
Lamont County recently approved its 2023 operating and capital budget. The budget focused on delivering on our strategic plan and business plan while maintaining current service levels.
Council ensured that both Human and Financial resources were available to execute on our budget.
Unfortunately, residential and farm property owners will see an increase in their tax bill to help balance the budget.
Your Council continues to advocate with the province and through Alberta’s Industrial Heartland Association to attract industrial development in Lamont County. Industrial development within our Heartland will provide growth, jobs, improved quality of life and an increased tax base.
Development within Lamont County’s Industrial Heartland area will benefit us all and is a key area that Lamont County will focus on in 2023.
On behalf of Lamont County Council and staff, I would like to thank all County residents, partners and businesses for your continuous support.
May your Christmas be filled with joy and happiness as we look forward to a prosperous 2023 together!
- Reeve David Diduck