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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Land Parcel Donation from Inter Pipeline for Water Intake and River Access

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Land Parcel Donation from Inter Pipeline for Water Intake and River Access

November 9, 2021 – LAMONT, AB: Lamont County has received a 29.2-acre parcel of land from Inter Pipeline Ltd. (IPL). IPL is a great corporate citizen, working with Lamont County to improve and enhance industrial opportunities.

When IPL heard the County needed North Saskatchewan River access to apply to obtain a water license with Alberta Environment, it stepped up to donate the required land. The County now has an application to apply for a water intake license—and if approved, grants the County ability to provide processed water to businesses in the Industrial Heartland.

“One of the major business needs for the region includes access to processed water,” said Lamont County Reeve, David Diduck. “Having land accessible to the river is an important part of sustaining business needs and attracting more industry to the County and Industrial Heartland.”

Access to processed water helps attract more business to the region.

The river-adjacent land, valued at $200,000, provides opportunity to run a processed water line. This differs from potable (drinking) water, and is a requirement for many industrial operations. IPL runs a transportation line across the property and agreements are in place for this to continue.

Inter Pipeline Limited (IPL), a division of Brookfield Infrastructure, is a petroleum transporter that operates the Polaris, Cold Lake and Corridor oil transmission pipeline systems across and surrounding Lamont County, it also operates petroleum and propane pumping stations and other related activities.

Lamont County is very appreciative of this donation and the opportunity to work with industry on the future opportunities access to processed water creates.


[Photo Attached – Lamont County Council Members Accept Land Donation from Inter Pipeline. Pictured L-R: Division 5 Councillor, Neil Woitas; Division 4 Councillor and Deputy Reeve, Roy Anaka; IPL Senior Regulatory Analyst Petrochemicals, Mirtyll Alboiu; Division 3 Councillor and Reeve, David Diduck; IPL Director of Public & Regulatory Affairs, Michelle Dawson; Division 2 Councillor, Aaron Wick; and Division 1 Councillor, Daniel Warawa.]


Media inquiries can be directed to:
Jay Zaal
Communications Coordinator
780-895-2233 Ext. 222


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